I found this from an article on “The Conversation”: “Our view, as academic linguists, is that part of the reason… Read more Synthetic phonics isn’t working
Category: Child Development
My Favorite Parenting and Education Books
I often want to explain to people my parenting philosophy, my teaching theory, and my opposition to some traditional ways… Read more My Favorite Parenting and Education Books

Consciousness as Developed by an Image Projection Capability in the Mind
Consciousness is a funny thing when you think about it. There is the universe, out there, in its entirety. And… Read more Consciousness as Developed by an Image Projection Capability in the Mind
I don’t need alcohol. I’m not Unruffled. Children will never listen. Children’s emotional outbursts are feedback to us to stop and listen.
I was walking through the door of a restaurant and it happened. After I walked through and my four year… Read more I don’t need alcohol. I’m not Unruffled. Children will never listen. Children’s emotional outbursts are feedback to us to stop and listen.
Hills of Child Development—Toddlers
As I continued to do this work, I started to notice a pattern across the milestones—a pattern that several milestones… Read more Hills of Child Development—Toddlers

Healthy Eating Habits: Shaming is not Educating
I’ve noticed several times now that when I say I keep sugary foods away from my children or teach them… Read more Healthy Eating Habits: Shaming is not Educating
Object Constancy Versus Shame
A very dominant theme in early child developmental psychology is object constancy. The first example of it given, found sometimes… Read more Object Constancy Versus Shame
Head Shape Comparisons During Children’s Brain Growth
I did a study on my children’s head shapes as they went through the milestones. I focused primarily on their… Read more Head Shape Comparisons During Children’s Brain Growth
Variability of Starting Age in Children’s Developmental Milestones
It’s been an issue in doing this work to pin down the variability in the timing of the milestones. If… Read more Variability of Starting Age in Children’s Developmental Milestones
Introduction to Misbehavior is Growth: Toddlers (Humanizing Toddlers)
This is the Introduction to Misbehavior is Growth: An Observant Parent’s Guide to the Toddler Years, offered as a free… Read more Introduction to Misbehavior is Growth: Toddlers (Humanizing Toddlers)