See the many different Spot the Difference programs below! There is Spot the Difference Grammar Level One, meant as an introductory program for children 6 and over. There is a Spot the Difference Grammar Level One Refresher. It’s meant for older students who are already writing but need a gentle reminder about introductory grammar concepts. Spot the Difference Level Grammar Two and Spot the Difference Grammar SATs are also in the works!

You know how children love to spot the differences in pictures, as they do in the popular activity commonly found in children’s worksheets? In Spot the Difference Grammar, children find the differences in two sets of sentences, one that is grammatically correct and one that is grammatically incorrect. While doing something that they naturally enjoy, children can also learn a bit of grammar!

Children intuitively understand this idea of spotting the differences between two things, allowing them to take to the lessons right away. Parents who have tried it say their children want to do page after page. Far from being just a fun activity (which it is!), this gentle, pressure-free program gives children many concrete examples, wordlessly explaining many grammar concepts. The observational approach illustrates for students why grammar is important. In a fun twist, by writing sentences incorrectly, we see the need to write them correctly. Sentences become hilariously wrong when they are incorrect. Laugh with your children or students as a teacher tries to deal with her “army” of children and other such grammar bloopers!

In addition to the Spot the Difference Grammar activities, there are supplemental exercises and information in this fun, delightful program, including word lists, sentence expansion activities, and Find or Fix the Error activities. This Level One program covers spelling and letter recognition, basic punctuation and capitalization, and all eight parts of speech. It is ideal for children new to the world of grammar or still learning the basic parts of a sentence, age 6 or over. This program is ideal for at-home or classroom use!

What people have said about Spot the Difference Grammar Level One
“Very much fun! My kid loved the intentional mistakes and pronouncing them in the wrong way!”

“It is easy to introduce into a homeschooling environment or as extra practice for schooled children.”

“It is easy to follow and understand. It is logical the way it builds up and gradually gets harder.”

“I loved the charts. I may cut them out and save some as they were very handy.”

“I liked that my son, 5, got early exposure to structured exercises as a fun activity instead of “having to do homework.”

“My daughter whizzed through it. She found it easy and was self-led for most of it. She is almost 9 and a high achiever in English.”

“My daughter is 11 years old but probably working at 8.5 years for literacy/English. I think she felt a sense of accomplishment that she could spot the errors!”


This is my son laughing at nonsensical prepositions in Spot the Difference Grammar Level One. Spot the Difference Grammar truly is play-based and fun!

Spot the Difference Grammar Programs

Children learn best by being able to bend things, break things, play, have fun, and be shown lots of examples and lots of patterns. Spot the Difference Grammar hits all of these notes!

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Spot the Difference Grammar: Level One

Spot the Difference Grammar: Level One is an introductory grammar program. It is ideal for students new to grammar, age 6 and over. There are 65 lessons that cover basic spelling, letter recognition, punctuation, capitalization, and all eight basic parts of speech. Each lesson has the spot-the-difference activity followed by simple but engaging supplemental exercises explaining and emphasizing the concept just illustrated.

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Teacher Pay Teachers – Get a digital (PDF) copy: Spot the Difference Grammar Level One
Teachers Pay Teachers Sampler – Get 4 free lessons: Spot the Difference Grammar Level One Sampler
Amazon United States: Spot the Difference Grammar Level One
Amazon United Kingdom: Spot the Difference Grammar Level One
Amazon Australia: Spot the Difference Grammar Level One
Amazon Canada: Spot the Difference Grammar Level One
Amazon Spain: Spot the Difference Grammar Level One

Spot the Difference Grammar: Level One Refresher

The Spot the Difference Grammar: Level One Refresher program is meant for older children who are writing but making basic mistakes in their writing, such as not capitalizing words or not adding punctuation at the end of their sentences. It has only spot-the-difference activities, without supplemental exercises, so it should be a breezy program. The activities are harder and more complex as to keep older children more engaged. The gentle, wordless reminder seems to really help students not make simple grammar mistakes. You would be amazed but children often have difficulty finding capitalization and punctuation errors. This program can help rectify that! As of Nov 2024 this program is nearly done and you can sign up to be a beta reader here:

Find it: This program is under development and should be ready for beta reader review at the end of 2024.

Spot the Difference Grammar: Level Two

The Spot the Difference Grammar Level Two is meant for middle schoolers. It covers all parts of speech and their punctuation, punctuation, phrases, clauses, and more. However, given how fun and playful the program is, children will likely be able to cover the material in this program at younger ages.

Find it: This program is largely done but being refined. It is expected to be ready for beta testers in 2025 sometime.

Spot the Difference Grammar: SATs

This Spot the Difference Grammar program will help students prepare for the writing portion of the SATs. The sentences/paragraphs they find differences in have more complex subject material, such as you would find on the SATs. For the spot-the-difference activities, there is one simple sentence followed by more complex sentences. This is to show students that the same concept applies; it’s just in a more complex setting. Each lesson then has a short activity to help break up complex sentences into manageable chunks, and each lesson also has one mock SAT question as well. Children do well with lots of examples and lots of patterns (things to compare). This program will sear complex concepts into their visual stores and de-mystify the SATs.

Find it: This might be ready in 2025 or 2026.

From the author:

This grammar program wasn’t specifically inspired by my child development work, but it is in great alignment with how my work has shown children naturally learn. Children love to find things, sort things, and play games! I had a great time working through Spot the Difference Grammar with children, and I hope you do, too!

Amber documents the age-related “stages” children go through. See her popular work at .