Dealing with a toddler can be a worrisome experience. In some ways, babies are easier. Sure, babies are relentlessly demanding, but you mostly do what you have to. With a toddler, big questions arise. Does their newly rambunctious behavior need corrected? Is it just a stage? What approaches are effective? Misbehavior is Growth can help.

This work documents the age-related “stages” children go through. It is times when children “act up,” but on the other side of this behavior is an astonishing burst of new ability. Their brain was going through an “upgrade.” This book covers the ages from 18 months to 3 years old (ending at 3). During this timeframe, there is a new milestone about every month!

This book features the popular work as found on The Observant Mom plus more. At each milestone are conflict resolution ideas, as well as educational activities to nurture the growth. The idea behind Misbehavior is Growth is that the demanding behavior is an instinctual call from the child for an adult to come to them at a developmentally critical time. Don’t “ignore” them: go to them. It’s not “just” a stage: it’s growth!

Toddlers explode in language comprehension, the use of symbols, making deliberate decisions, creativity, imagination, and, eventually, short-term planning and following instructions. These new developments come rapidly, in seismic shifts. Meltdowns, possessiveness, bossiness, and rigidity are guaranteed! Let Misbehavior is Growth: An Observant Parent’s Guide to the Toddler Years be your month-by-month guide!

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It is available at the following sites. It is likely available on yet more sites than this, and I will add more sites as I become aware of them. Please search for “Misbehavior is Growth” on your favorite ebook retailer.

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At Smashwords, I let the reader set the price and this includes FREE. Smashwords also has a PDF, which is compatible with any device, as well as an epub or mobi format.

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From others:

“In reading it I have gained insight into how to be a more effective, supportive, and understanding parent.” — From a dad!

“Oh how I WISH this book was available years ago! I recently read this book and discovered a whole new world of parenting and understanding toddlers. I always knew there was a different approach to parenting; one that involves more understanding, patience, and compassion. The author has organized this book in an easy to read and friendly format listing all of the different milestones, the expected behaviors and even activities to foster those milestones. This is an incredible resource, a well done and thorough guide, that every new parent needs to own! Makes for a great gift for baby showers or new parents as well!” — Sunita

“This information […] has been a LIFESAVER at our house. My first son followed the [Milestones] like clockwork and my second is just heading into this territory now. Whenever we’d hit a stormy period it was so reassuring to know it was all an important part of his development. Lack of sleep seems so much more bearable when you know things will be back to normal in no time.” — Beck Fredrickson

“I love your work! I always check [your research] when my son is fussy or not sleeping well and so far, you have picked it every time! I share it with girls in my antenatal group too.” – Sarah Lewis, about her son Jack

“Hi, we are just starting [Toddler Milestone 8], so far, I can see challenges with falling asleep at nap time and night time, understanding, and using today and tomorrow. She remembers things that happened a while back and started making up stories about characters. I wanted to sincerely thank you for documenting all of this, your notes have been so helpful in understanding the developments.” – Alexandra LaFontaine

“They are just great! So informative and very true to what’s going on with my kid to a T!” — Katie Blogg, about Toddler Milestones 9 and 10 (2 years, 8 months and 2 years, 9 months)

Misbehavior is Growth

Ebook and paper formats are now available!! I reduced the price on the toddler book. The ebook is now $3.99 and will stay that way. And at Smashwords, I let the user set their own price, which can include FREE. Smashwords has every ebook format possible (as far as I know) such that it can work on any ebook, as well as a PDF format which is compatible with just about every device. If price or availability have been an issue, I hope this removes these obstacles. My hope is that if you are given a very affordable, streamlined book that helps you on your parenting journey that you will come to trust the Misbehavior is Growth approach.


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Misbehavior is Growth: 3 Year Olds

Be sure to check out Misbehavior is Growth: 3 Year Olds, which is also now available!

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